PilzWald was an enterprise through which I was available for presentations, writing or consulting work. My specialty was the sustainable harvest of wild forest mushrooms.
You may contact me by email at: contact <at sign> pilzwald <period> com
Here is a list of selected publications that I have authored. Some can be downloaded. For the others, contact me at the above address and I will send you a copy.
I also have several mushroom related items that may be available upon request. They include:
The Bog Maiden is my first mushroom fiction novel.
I also commissioned artwork entitled: Cornucopiae Fungorum Boreo-Occidens Pacificus
(Horns of Fungal Plenty in the Pacific Northwest).
With that art, I produced MycoBandannas and Colored Prints suitable for framing.
See you in the woods!
Mycologically yours,
David Pilz